His mother and grandmother called him half a million baby because they spent five hundred pesos for the incubator aside from other things. It’s amazing to see this little healthy baby fat boy running and climbing around the house now because he was so little and helpless before and now look at him, his healthy and cute isn’t he?
Feels Real Good To Be Home - Its nice to live in a worry free living community
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Almost Dead
His mother and grandmother called him half a million baby because they spent five hundred pesos for the incubator aside from other things. It’s amazing to see this little healthy baby fat boy running and climbing around the house now because he was so little and helpless before and now look at him, his healthy and cute isn’t he?
Time is Gold?
Because of hectic schedule and economic crisis that that we are facing today, I’d notice that many people are having a hard time to give or spent even a single minute of their precious time to praise and give thanks to god. Is this true to you? If yes, then you need to examine yourself.
Let me share with you what is written in the Bible book of Ephesians chapter five verse fifteen up to seventeen (5:15-17). “So keep strict watch that how you walk is not unwise persons, buying the opportune time for your selves because the days are wicked. On this account cease becoming unreasonable but go on perceiving what the will of Jehovah God is”.
Our busy lives place many demands on us. At times it may be a struggle for us to meet all of our obligations. Yet, we need to keep in mind that life is a gift we have received from God. So it is proper and wise then to spend time with our heavenly father sometimes in spite our hectic schedule.
How much of our time and energy does god expect us to devote to him? The Bible’s reasonable answer is encouraging. And it contains a warm invitation: “Draw close to God and he will Draw close to you” (James 4:8).
Sunday, April 13, 2008
“Steps That Can Help You to Build a Happy Marriage”
Study God’s word along with your mate regularly, and pray to God for help and Guidance in resolving problems.
Confine sexual interest exclusively to your mate.
Communicate openly, honestly, and lovingly about your problems and differences.
Speak to your mate in a kind, considerate manner; avoid Outburst of anger, nagging, and harsh critical remarks.
Humbly apply Bible counsel even if you feel that your mate is not doing everything he or she should be doing.
Work hard to cultivate spiritual the spiritual qualities mentioned in the Bible.
“Roots of the New Year’s Celebration”
The New Year’s holiday originate with a number of pagan holidays from ancient
There was a saying that whoever greeted January 1st with fun, laughter, and plenty would pass the entire year in happiness and wellbeing. The very first superstition accompanies the celebrating of the New Year for many of our compatriots. During certain pagan holidays, people would directly bring sacrifices to an idol. Some were notorious for immoral orgies, adultery, and fornication.
Personal experience both good and bad can teach us valuable lessons. But is it really true that experience is the best teacher? Some said yes and others said it depends. The truth is no, why? Because there is a superior source of guidance none other than our divine creator.
Why is learning from divine instructor far better than learning from personal experience? For one thing, learning only from experience involves trial and error and this can be both costly and painful. “O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.” God said to the ancient Israelites. (Isaiah 48:18)
One reason why God’s word excels as a source of instruction is that, it contains the oldest and most accurate account of human experience. You really realize that painlessly learning from the successes and failures of others is preferable to repeating their mistakes. More important, in the Bible, God provides us with superb laws and guiding principles that are unequaled in reliability. Remember that the law of Jehovah God is perfect and trustworthy, making the inexperience one wise. Surely, learning from the wisdom of our loving creator is the best possible way. Try and you won’t regret anything at the end.
Thousands of years ago, the Wise King Solomon, who was a student of nature, observed the lowly ant. He wrote: “Go to the ant and look at them you lazy one; see its ways and become wise. Although it has no commander, officer or ruler, it prepares its food even in the summer; it has gathered its food supplies even in the harvest.” ((Proverbs 6: 6-8).
Ants are model of cooperation, industry, and order, often working together to drag home objects much larger than them. Some ants will even assist injured or exhausted members of the colony back to their nest. I view of these traits, it is no wonder that ants are good model for us to imitate.
Certain ants also enjoy a symbolic alliance with plants. In exchange for nest sites and food, these insects might pollinate their host, disperse its seeds, help provide its nutrients, or protect it against herbivores, whether other insects or mammals.
On the other hand, some ants prefer “animal husbandry,” their charges being aphids that secrete sweet honeydew when gently stroked by the ant’s antennas. The ants tend these insects like cattle, milking them for food and protecting from predators. Just as a dairy farmer might put his cows in the barn overnight, ants often carry aphids to the safety of the ants nest in the evening and return them to the “pasture” in the morning, usually to younger, more nourishing leaves. And we are not talking about just a few aphids. Ants may have “herds” that number in the thousands in a single nest!
Some species of butterflies are also tended by ants. The large blue butterfly for example, has a symbolic relationship with red ants. In fact, it can’t complete its life cycle with out their help. As cater pillar, it rewards its host with sugary excretions. Later, when the butterfly emerges from its chrysalis, it leaves the ants’ nest safe and unharmed.