Monday, May 19, 2008


How much difference is there between reincarnation and the hope held out in the Bible?


Let me share with you an interesting comparison and answer that I have found. First, let me define reincarnation. Reincarnation is a belief that one is reborn in one or more successive existences which may be human or animal. Usually it is an intangible “soul” that is believe to be reborn in another body.

According to this belief, when a person dies, the soul will passes on to a better existence if the individual has lived a good and proper life, but possibly to existence as an animal if his record has been more bad than good. Each rebirth is believed to bring the individual back in to the same system of things where he will suffer an eventual death. The cycle of rebirth are viewed as virtually endless. Is such a future really that awaits you? Some believe that the only way of escape is by extinguishing all desire for things pleasing to the senses. To what do they escape? To what some describe as unconscious life.


According to the Bible, the “soul” is the complete person. Even though a person may have done bad things in the past if he repents and change his ways, Jehovah God will forgive him (psalm 103:12, 13). When a person dies, nothing survives. Death is like a deep dreamless sleep. There will be a resurrection of the dead. This is not a reincarnation but a bringing back to life of the same personality (Acts 24:15). For most people, the resurrection will be to life on earth. It will take place after God brings the present wicked system to its end. Sickness, suffering, even the necessity to die will become things of the past. (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 21:3, 4).