Love is a romantic mysterious feeling that seizes anybody, it’s a once in a life time feeling sheer ecstasy. Love, they believe is strictly an affair of the heart, something that cannot be understood, but you can experienced it. No doubt about it, feeling in love can be a uniquely beautiful experience.
Physical appearance is the main reason and factor why we are attracted to opposite sex, but remember that outward appearances can be deceiving. The Bible says “charm may be false and prettiness may be vain”. The glittering wrappings of the gift tells you nothing of what’s inside. In fact, the most elegant wrappings may cover a useless gift. The proverbs says: “as a good nose ring in the snout of a pig, so as a woman that is pretty but turns away from sensibleness. Nose rings were popular adornment during bible times. They were exquisite, often made of solid gold. Naturally, such a ring would be the first piece of jewelry you would notice on a woman.
Appropriately, the proverb compares an outwardly beautiful woman who lacks of sensibleness to a nose ring in the snout of a pig. Beauty simply does not befit a senseless woman; it is a useless
ornament on her.
Some prominent people and writers feel that the human heart has infallible romantic judgment. Just listen to your heart, they argue and you will know when it’s real love. Thousands of couples every year marry under the illusion of being in love, only to find out that they have seriously erred.