Blood transfusion with banked human body may do more harm than good for a majority of patients, a report from Duke University Medical center in U.S.A found out that patient who used blood transfusion has higher incidences of heart attack, heart failure and even death than those who were not transfused. Why? “Because nitric oxide in red blood cells begins breaking down almost immediately after red blood cells leave the body”.
Nitric oxide is crucial to keeping blood vessels open and thus allowing red cells to ferry oxygen to the body’s tissues. “Millions of patients are apparently receiving transfusions with blood that is impaired in its ability to deliver, says one medical expert. So if you have any plans to used blood transfusion to save your life then better think twice or ells, bad things will happen to you, why not just used medical alternative than to risk your life with nothing! Don’t you know that the Bible word of God also warn humans not to used blood and keep away from it by any circumstances.