Feels Real Good To Be Home - Its nice to live in a worry free living community
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Now place a magnet at the side of the compass. What happens?
The needle no longer gives an accurate reading. Instead, it is turned
toward the magnet.
Your conscience is like that compass, if properly trained, it will point
“north” and help you to make wise decisions. But harmful association,
like a magnet exerts a pull that can distort your moral judgment.
The lesson? Try to avoid people and situations that may throw your
moral sense off course! Try this experiment…
Monday, July 28, 2008
My friend’s thrilling experience
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Judgment Day, What is it?
I haven’t post a serious topic since last month, so I decided discuss and share with you this widely and commonly used phrase but people interpreted it in different ways. I even heard different perceptions and ideas about this terrifying day, so I decided to share with you guys what I have read and learned from the Bible regarding this phrase. My opinion is merely based from the Bible.
Judgment day – what is it?
How do you picture Judgment day? Many think that one by one, billions of souls will be brought before the throne of God. There, Judgment will be passed upon each individual. Some will be rewarded with heavenly bliss, and others will be condemned to eternal torment. However, the Bible paints quite a different picture of this period of time. God’s word portrays it, not as terrifying time, but as a time of hope and restoration.
At Revelation 20:11, 12, I read the Apostle John’s description of Judgment day: “I saw a great white throne and the one seated on it. From before him the earth and the heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. But another scroll was opened; it is the scroll of life. And the dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds.” Who is the judge described here?
Jehovah God is the ultimate Judge of mankind (Psalm 83:18). However, he delegates the actual work of judging. According to Acts17:31, the apostle Paul said that God, “has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed.” This appointed Judge is the resurrected Jesus Christ. (John 5:22).
Monday, July 21, 2008
Lucky Day
I don’t want to miss even a single hour of it even if too tired. Everything that I have is nothing with out God, and besides, he’s the source of everything. As usual, I went to our Kingdom hall at 9 am – 11:30 am. In the afternoon, we went out to reach people in their houses to preach the good news and share what we have learned in the Bible about God’s Kingdom. Its great privilege to preach and share God’s kingdom because not people given the chance and opportunity to do it. I’m really happy doing this.
I was little bit tired and dizzy yesterday. I felt weak and sick even if I’m not. I was given a full load yesterday; it means I have four students and two hours each. Unfortunately my 2 students were absent for some valid reasons. I use my vacant time resting in my room. I slept for 2 hours and read some books. I felt guilty though because the company paid me for nothing for hours but I have nothing to do but rest and relax. I consider it lucky day because it’s rare to happen. I hope it will happen again in the following day.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Cooking With Honey
I just want to share with you some cooking tips that I learned when I was still cooking; I hope it will be helpful for you guys! Do you like sweet foods? This thing might help you. Instead of using sugar to make your food taste sweet, why not try to use “honey” it’s much better and healthy. I say this because I’ve tried it. Honey is sweeter than table sugar. Therefore, as a substitute for sugar, use only half to three quarters as much honey as you would sugar. Also, since honey is about 18 percent water, reduce the liquids in your recipe accordingly. If there are no liquids, add two table spoons of flour per cup of honey. For baked goods, also add one half teaspoon of baking soda per cup of honey and reduce the temperature of your oven by 25 degrees Fahrenheit.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Bad Night!
He was almost died and paralyzed because of what happen, but thanks God he survive the accident. My father was crossing a newly constructed foot bridge with other 2 workers when the bridge suddenly collapses for unknown reasons. My father fell unconscious for 3 hours right after the accident that made me angry and disturb. Can you imagine a newly constructed 20 meters high foot bridge was collapse? It nearly cost the life of my father. I didn’t finish my report though I was in a half way, because I can’t concentrate and I don’t have enough time. I feel little bit dizzy this morning because of restless night but I need to report in my job and I can’t afford to get absent no matter what.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
My Dream Last Night
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
“Interesting hobby”

At the young age I found my self interested in viewing and appreciating exotic pictures taken from environment and some interesting places. I wasn’t able to develop and pursue my interest because I don’t have time and money to by a camera for me. I still love taking pictures until now though I bought a cell phone with 3.5 mega pixel camera on it to complement my needs and interest
It’s been a while since I took pictures from my cell phone because of hectic schedule but on my way home yesterday, I took these pictures while meditating and looking out side the building were I work because I couldn’t resist the view of the sunset and the color of the sky. When I took pictures I feel relaxed and motivated to continue and learn the best way to capture fascinating views and interesting places anywhere.
According to my photographer friend, it’s a great self fulfillment when people appreciate your pictures and look at you as talented artist. I haven’t experienced this but it seems like exiting interesting. I showed these pictures to my friend and he said it’s good and I have the potential though it’s simple.