Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Jehovah’s Witnesses and Health

Jehovah’s Witnesses, some of whom are physicians and nurses, are known worldwide for their rejection of blood transfusion or primary blood components. Does their united stand against this practice stem from a man-made doctrine or a belief that a person’s faith can heal medical ailments? That is far from the truth.

Cherishing their life as a gift from God, the Witnesses strive to do their best to live according to the Bible. Which they believe is “inspired of God.” The Bible encourages worshippers of God to avoid practices and habits that harm health or endanger life, such as overeating, smoking or chewing tobacco, abusing alcohol, and using drugs for recreational purposes.

By keeping our body and surroundings clean and getting some physical exercise for health reasons, we are acting in harmony with Bible principles. When Jehovah’s Witnesses get sick, they demonstrate reasonableness by seeking medical care and accepting the vast majority of available treatment options. True, they are obeying the Bible command to “keep obtaining from blood” (Acts 15:29) insisting on nonblood medical management. And this choice often results in a higher quality of treatment.

I am curious: Why does God allow severe suffering?

I watch a documentary film and news yesterday. I saw people begging for food suffering from hunger, crimes, wars and environmental disasters. Here in the Philippines people keep on protesting and asking the president to resign because according to them they are suffering from government failure to rebuild the economy and restore peace and security in the country. Recently, in China a lot of people died cause by unknown pestilences and other dangerous epidemic.

In Western Europe and other country around the world, people died and some are still suffering because floods destroyed there homes and livelihood. I feel pity for these people but I can’t do anything for them. Because of the things happening around the world, I can’t stop my self asking why? What’s happening? Is there a God who really cares? If there is God why did he allow such rampant anguish, pain and suffering? Where is God? Is this his will?

If I will ask all these questions to you can you explain to me why and give a good an answer? I am sure you can’t right? If so, aren’t you curious also as I am? Or have you tried asking same questions by your self and found unsatisfying answers? I know your wondering also why such things happening.

People who ask question like this often seek the real reason like me! My curiosity provokes me to search the answers. It’s difficult though because I don’t know where to start and where to go but my determination push me to find the answer. And I want to share what I have found.

I read in the Bible that “God” is “love “ and this is recorded in the Bible book of John, (1 John 4:8). And James 1:13 states; “when under trial, let no one say: I am being tried by God for evil things God can’t be tried nor does he himself try anyone.” So if you have suffered evil, rest assured that God isn’t the cause.

Try to think about the real meaning of the said Bible text and you will come up with one thing, “God can’t do evil thing”. The Bible doesn’t teach that God is behind all the severe suffering of people today. Instead mankind has made such disasters worse by damaging the natural environment and by building in areas prone to earthquakes, floods and extreme weather. Then who is behind the wars, famines, natural disasters, sickness, and death that plaque mankind causing futility pain and suffering? None other than human itself with the guidance of the ruler of this world Satan the Devil.

1 John 5:19 states that “the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, the wick one who is mentioned in the above paragraph is Satan the Devil. We humans are suffering today because Satan is the ruler of this world not God and we are also leaving in what the Bible calls the “last days”.

How Does God View Homosexuality?

Today, many people are still arguing about the issue of homosexuality. But how does God view homosexuality? The Bible leaves no room for confusion. It tells us that Jehovah God made man and woman and that he purposed for sexual desires to be fulfilled only between husband and wife. It comes no surprise then, that the Bible condemns homosexual acts.

Of course many would not agree and believe it and said that the Bible is out of date. But are you not curious why are some so quick to make that claim? Often, it is because the Bible’s view conflict their own thinking and point of view. They reject God’s word because it teaches something different from what they want to believe.

As a young person, you may be experiencing a variety of emotions. What if you feel attracted to the same sex? Does automatically mean that you are a homosexual? No. Remember, you are in the bloom of youth, a period in which you are subject to involuntary sexual arousal. For time, you attention may focus on a member of the same sex. But it doesn’t mean that you are a gay. In fact, statistics indicate that such inclinations usually fade in time. Still you might wonder how these desires start in the first place.

Some say that homosexuality is rooted in the genes. Others say it is learned behavior. Regardless of the cause, the important thing to realize is that the Bible condemns homosexual acts. Nevertheless, by heeding the counsel of the Bible, the person can refrain from acting on that desire.

Granted, same sex desires may be strongly entrenched. Be assured though, that even deeply rooted wrong desires are not insurmountable. Ultimately, you are in control of how you will live. And despite claims to the contrary, you can learn to control your impulses or at least refrain from acting on them.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


As some youths get older, the influence of parents seems fading, and the desire to be popular and to be accepted by peers grows strong. m Others simply feel a need to talk with someone who “understand” or who will make them feel loved or needed. When good communication is lacking at home, youth seek it among their peers. One more thing is lack of self confidence and feelings of insecurity cause some to be vulnerable to peer influence.

Peer influence is not necessarily bad. A proverb says: “By iron, iron itself is sharpened. So one man sharpens the face of another.” Just as an iron knife can sharpen the dulled edge of another knife, fellowship with other youths can sharppen your personality and make you a better person if the peers who influence are mature and have healthy attitudes. All to often, youths are lacking of maturity. Many youth shave viewpoints and opinions that are unsound, unreliable, and even reckless. So when a youth comes under the influence of peers, it may be little more than a blind leading the blind. And the results can be disastrous. Even when peers are not edging you toward outrageous behavior, their influence can still feel oppressive because you feared to be isolated thus you worked hard to gain their acceptance.

What Happens After Death?

What happens to human who die? Do they continue existing but in other form, perhaps as angels in the spirit realm? The Bible has this simple and clear answer: The Bible book of Ecclesiastes 9:5 says that, “The living is conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all.” You can read in your Bible if you have. So at death humans cease to exist. The dead know, feel, and experience absolutely nothing.
Is their hope for the dead? Yes! The Bible shows that the hope for most humans who have died is to be resurrected. The vast majority of the dead are to be raised to life as human’s on a paradise earth. (Luke 23: 43 & John 5:28)
Consider to the contrast between dead humans and living angels. Whereas deceased humans “are conscious of nothing at all,” an angel has full consciousness, and personal will. They are free moral angels. The dead are described as “impotent,” or powerless, while angels are “mighty in power.” And humans are descendants of Adam die as a result of sin and imperfection, God-fearing angels are perfect, enjoying a fully approved standing before Jehovah God.
The idea that angels are the souls of deceased humans might make for imaginative movies, but the notion finds no support from the Bible. The Bible truth set forth above help us to avoid any misconception about the fate of our love ones who die. The Bible assures us that the faithful angels are separately created, powerful servants of God superior to humans and are always ready to do God’s will. God’s will includes using angels to watch over and assist those who sincerely respect Jehovah God and seek to serve him.

Jehovah’s Witnesses and Health

Jehovah’s Witnesses, some of whom are physicians and nurses, are known worldwide for their rejection of blood transfusion or primary blood components. Does their united stand against this practice stem from a man-made doctrine or a belief that a person’s faith can heal medical ailments? That is far from the truth.
Cherishing their life as a gift from God, the Witnesses strive to do their best to live according to the Bible. Which they believe is “inspired of God.” The Bible encourages worshippers of God to avoid practices and habits that harm health or endanger life, such as overeating, smoking or chewing tobacco, abusing alcohol, and using drugs for recreational purposes.
By keeping our body and surroundings clean and getting some physical exercise for health reasons, we are acting in harmony with Bible principles. When Jehovah’s Witnesses get sick, they demonstrate reasonableness by seeking medical care and accepting the vast majority of available treatment options. True, they are obeying the Bible command to “keep obtaining from blood” (Acts 15:29) insisting on nonblood medical management. And this choice often results in a higher quality of treatment.

“Traffic Jam”

Unexpectedly, I experience a horrible and terrible traffic jam yesterday in whole since I move here in the hearth of manila. I have been experiencing a lot of traffic jam while driving and commuting to school and work before but I can say that yesterday’s traffic was incomparable and amazing!
I took a bus from my work going home at 5 pm yesterday right after our office hour hoping to be home early in order to attend the midweek service in our congregation but unfortunately, I wasn’t able too because I was stuck into the middle of terrible traffic. I can’t imagine I spend almost four and a half hours on that area! It’s really amazing and terrible isn’t it?
But I am still thankful because in spite of that terrible traffic I was able to come home safely. I can’t imagine myself to experience the same thing in the future because I do, I would probably freak-out. You know what I have learned? Always expect the unexpected.

“Holly Week”

From child hood up to now I’d notice that Filipinos and other religious counties around the world identified as Christians are celebrating the death of Christ in different ways. The Filipinos are celebrating the holly week by praying and singing to their respected church and some are trying to imitate Jesus by hanging themselves in to a torture stake like Jesus.
But who is Jesus? IS he God or son of God? Many people are claiming that Jesus and God are one or same! Is it true that father and son are living in one living creature?
In Bible book of Luke chapter 1 verses 31-33 Jesus was called as the son of the most high so it clear that Jesus isn’t God instead he is the son of God. At Mathew chapter 6 verse 9, Jesus thought his disciples to pray constantly to his father by sanctifying his name, he did not insist and claim that he is God and they should pray to him instead he thought them the importance of praying to his beloved father not him.
In the new testament, from Mathew to Revelation, there isn’t any word written saying that Jesus is God instead it is always said that he is the son of the most high God Jehovah. Jesus always keeps on telling his disciple and his listeners the importance of praying constantly to his father for guidance and forgiveness everyday.
Jesus also told us that he is the only way to his father it means he is the bridge and mediator of humans to God. Jesus was sent by God to save humans from the sin brought by our grand grand parents Adam and Eve, with out his blood it would be impossible for us to be saved and come closer to God. So it is wrong to think and say that he is God because it will contradict to his teachings that his father send him to this world, Jesus isn’t insane to called himself father and son at the same time and praying to himself crying for help. Is he? Definitely not am I right!